In addition, the following characters used to have different names: I wish I had portraits for these characters, but sadly, their lines are processed strangely and are not labeled with portrait values. Calls himself the “bandit among bandits” and that “there’s nothing to fear so long as I’m around.” Refers to himself using the masculine ore and the arrogant ore-sama.

There is no singing-related class in the game’s code, however–except for Penelo’s 詩人崩れ “Failed Poet” class… Strange! Appears in Shouzou Kaga’s notes as a 吟遊詩人 (”minstrel” or “troubadour”) whose love interest is Paramythis. Assumed to be non-hired on the basis of having no discernible lines, unlike the unused mercenary characters.

Uses the pronoun ware, indicative of an older man. Refers to himself as a knight of the fallen Highland Duchy, meaning he was probably medium infantry or medium cavalry.

Definitely distinct from Saphira, Izerna, and Enid. Also appears on a file Shouzou Kaga shared about early character relationships in Berwick Saga as the daughter of Duke Garlant of Yutoria and a love interest for Perceval. Does not use a personal pronoun in her few lines.

Through my examinations of the script, as well as some debug messages provided to me by Lightgazer, I’ve found a handful of characters who were apparently supposed to be playable: